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Friday, September 25, 2009

San Diego East County Street Team rocks!!

I just joined the SDEC AKA San Diego East County Street Team. Even though I don't live in East County, they were generous enough to let me join them.

To show my thanks I've made a SDEC treasury:)


So what the heck else is going on with me today? Still sick with a terrible kid type cold, but nothing can stop me from working!! LOL That's what being a WAHM is really all about.

I really, really can't wait to ride the couch w/my hubby later. We have a lot of DVR to catch up on☺ Just watched this cool new show last night called "The Forgotten". It's super cheesy fun and I sure needed that last night. Fell asleep for "Fringe" which I could take it or leave it. And once again watched Bones with David B. still looking like he has something wrong with his face. Luckily, I think he got some Juvederm/botox so the strange looseness around his jaw has filled in. When I get off of here (if that's even possible), I plan to watch Project Runway/Models of The Runway.

I almost forgot!! I finally saw the movie "Coraline" yesterday, loved it! I usually don't really like things from Tim Burton. Ever since Santa got tortured for xmas I've been kinda freaked:( But Coraline was amazing and made me want to make a blue haired doll so badly!! Keep me away from that sewing machine before I hurt somebody!

My friend wants me to give a presentation to her girl scout troupe about women in business. Is she really sure she wants to let me open my mouth near children?? LOL You never know what might come out.... Which brings me to yesterday's drama rama. I was on the forums and not meaning to cause a ruckus, I caused a ruckus:( Forgot how cutthroat that place can be! Staying far away from the biz section for a while and hanging out w/all the sweeties in the promo area.

Still struggling to move the eBay to the Etsy. Slowly but surely it's going to happen. My friend let me know about this other new/great site. FuzzB  For some reason it takes forever to load pages and it's definitely not my computer. But well worth a look because you can list in the directory for free and there are a lot of options. I noticed some of our Etsy peeps have opened up shops there. It's seems like they are really going all out and I like the variety of options. No, I'm not a spokesperson!! LOL Wait and see on this one. All these kinds of Etsy copycats go out of biz eventually. Oh, another thing, I saw something about transferring your Etsy and eBay shop over easily. Which still remains to be seen. If anyone has sold on FuzzB I'd love to hear from you.

Here are some fab new listings for today♥

Bringing you all the news that shouldn't be fit to print w/out a license!


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